Using events in your marketing works. You not only bring people together but also develop a stronger relationship with customers. There are many types of events that all have their own uses. Therefore, it is important that you make the right choices for your marketing strategy. These range from virtual and corporate events to trade shows and product launches.
InviteDesk satsar mitt i Coronakrisen. Expanderar nu i Norden.
Satsningen leds av Christian Witte och Erik Engström. Två erfarna entreprenörer och affärsmän med lång erfarenhet från affärsutveckling, B2B och som har haft ledande roller inom såväl mjukvara, event och på IT/Tech bolag som Microsoft, SAP, Adecco, Stepstone.
PMV fuels continued growth of event-marketing software InviteDesk, as it makes its first move in Scandinavia
InviteDesk, is increasing its financial strength by 700,000 euros thanks to growth funding from PMV.
The five biggest frustrations in event marketing and how to avoid them
Everyone who has run successful B2B events knows that high ROI events do not always come easy. We are in touch with many marketers who use B2B events to drive business success. Read all about their top frustrations and how to solve them.
Unlocking the full potential of your Event ROI: the 4 key challenges
More then ever, event ROI should be high on the relationship marketing agenda. We had a look at which challenges you need to tackle to optimise your event ROI.
Belgian start-up InviteDesk raises half a million euros
InviteDesk, founded in April 2018 to develop event marketing software, has increased its capital by more than half a million euros.
The Golden COVID Event Rules – and how InviteDesk helps
How integrated surveys improve event ROI
The survey module is now an integrated part of our solution and enables you to gather crucial invitee and guest feedback at different touch points during the process.
How to engage your sales teams for events
To get the most ROI from your event, a well-oiled collaboration between marketing and sales is an absolute must. But how can you engage your sales colleagues to comply with your requests? The solution is straightforward and challenging at the same time.
How to stay in full control of your event marketing
The lack of control and overview during the event marketing process can be a real pain. Therefor the cost- and time-saving potential event organization can be enormous. We are happy to provide 3 top tips to gain full control over the whole process.